Glossary & Acronyms
A specific service, program, incentive, regulation or other mechanism that local governments or other partners use to implement a strategy.
The Carbon Sequestration White Paper was produced by the Thurston Regional Planning Council in 2023. This White Paper aimed to further examine the sequestration targets set in the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan and reviewed the scale of opportunities to meet that target.
The TCMC Community Advisory Workgroup (CAW) is comprised of up to 15 interested community members representing diverse perspectives on climate mitigation work. The CAW meets monthly. CAW Members are appointed by the Staff Team for three-year terms or on a rolling basis to fill vacancies.
The Energy Efficiency White Paper was produced by the Thurston Regional Panning Council in 2023.
A group made up of one elected official from Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County. They meet quarterly. In those meetings, the Executive Committee shares information on local climate mitigation activities, reviews progress towards achieving emissions targets, and builds partnerships to support the regional implementation of the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan.
Jurisdiction Parties, as related to Thurston region climate work, refers to the individual local governments of the cities of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County.
A grouping of sources of greenhouse gas emissions (such as Buildings and energy)
A natural or artificial process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and held in solid or liquid form. Atmospheric carbon dioxide may be taken up by trees, grasses, and other plants through photosynthesis and stored as carbon in biomass (trunks, branches, foliage, and roots) and soils.
A group made up of one climate-focused staff person from Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County. They meet at least monthly to share information on the climate work of their respective local governments and work to advance multi-jurisdictional climate actions from the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan.
A method or general approach to achieve a desired goal; in this case, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from a particular sector.
The Thurston Climate Adaptation Plan is the Regional Plan focused on actions we can take in Thurston County to prepare for and adjust to climate change impacts such as storms, sea-level rise, drought, and wildfires. The Thurston Regional Planning Council adopted the Plan in January 2018. This Plan includes ninety-one recommended actions that both the public and private sectors can take.
Historic Terms (No Longer Used)
See Executive Committee. This group was renamed for clarity in 2023.
See Community Advisory Workgroup. This group was renamed for clarity in 2023.